Is your school, garden club, business organization, or neighborhood association looking for a speaker?
Our certified Master Gardeners offer educational talks, demonstrations, and hands-on workshops to a wide variety of organizations just like yours! From landscaping to natural pest control, our MGAs are prepared to discuss any subject of your choosing. We are ready and able to develop custom presentations designed to meet the interests of your unique group.
Simply follow the steps below to register!
Step 1:
Select a talk, workshop, or demonstration from the list below. Have a more specialized idea? Talk to us about a topic of your choosing! Unless noted, each topic can be modified to meet the desired time frame (e.g., 30, 45, 60 min) Demonstrations indicated with an (*) can be converted to 2-hour hands-on workshops with a small fee required for supplies to be provided. Please allow our speakers a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your event in order to prepare appropriately.

*Small fee for required supplies provided.

Step 2:
Submit a speaker request using the form below. You will receive a confirmation email acknowledging your submission, and be contacted by a Master Gardener speaker shortly. We’re excited to serve you!