Such an exciting time! May brings with it an abundance of new growth, garden chores and events to go to! Make time to check out a few of the activities that our area has to offer. Enjoy!
Apr 27-May 4 HISTORIC GARDEN WEEK-House and Garden Tours Offered Statewide. Tours on Apr 30 in Lynchburg.
May 3 “Ins and Outs of Termite Treatment”- an All Bugs Good and Bad Webinar
May 4 Herb Festival- Moneta Farm and Home Center, Moneta. Visit the Bedford Extension Master Gardeners’ table and say hello!
May 4 Forest Farmers Market- Begins summer season. Visit the Bedford Extension Master Gardeners’ table and say hello! Located behind Forest Library, Forest.
May 4 Festival of Gardening- Plant Sale by Hill City Master Gardeners, Riverside Park, Lynchburg
May 4 VMGA Educational Event– 25th Anniversary at the VA Western Community College Arboretum! Speakers and topics, Roanoke
May 4 Buchanan Garden Festival- Buchanan
May 5 Rose Walk by Rosarian Kay Moomaw– Old City Cemetery, Lynchburg
May 5 & 12 Great Day Gardens Events (Merrywood)- Come get your garden starts from a local, sustainable farm. Also featuring organic seeds from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, wood-fired pizza, bread, and pastries for lunch. Forest
May 10 Wine and Roses Benefit Garden Party- Old City Cemetery, Lynchburg
May 11 Annual Native Plant Sale- by Blue Ridge Wildflower Society, VA Western Community College Arboretum, Roanoke
May 11 Amherst Honey Bee Festival- Amherst County High School
May 11 Workday at the Bedford Urban Garden (BUG)- Follow them on FB @https://www.facebook.com/bedfordurbangardens/
May 11 & 12 State Arboretum Garden Fair- Blandy Experimental Farm, Boyce
May 14 Spring Invasive Plant Workshop- Blue Ridge Prism, Albemarle High School, Charlottesville
May 18 An Herbal Faire- Calling all Herb Heads!! Come join the Southside Herb Society, Long Ears Herbs, Deb’s Daylilies, and Evergreen Lavender Farm
May 19 Peaks of Otter and Arcadia Field Trip- Meet at Orange Street, Kroger, Roanoke
May 20 Chapter Meeting “Hemlocks and the Woolly Adelgid”- open to the public, Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs, Roanoke h
May 21 Lynchburg Living: Gardens of the World- by Susan Timmons. Create a beautiful, sustainable landscape with native plants, Templeton Center, Lynchburg
May 22 or 31 Rain Barrel Workshop- Miller Center, Lynchburg
May 25 Workday at the Bedford Urban Garden (BUG)- Follow them on FB @https://www.facebook.com/bedfordurbangardens/
May 31 & June 1 VA State Beekeepers Assoc. Conference & Meeting- Fredericksburg Hospitality House, Fredericksburg
How About A Road Trip?
May 1 Value-added Production with Herbs
May 2 Growing and Selling Cut Flowers: Two Farm Tours
Roanoke County Extension Events
May 6 Family Gardening
May 7, 13, 22 Cacti and Succulents
May 9 Rain Gardens and Rain Barrels
May 14 Senior Adaptive Gardening
May 14 Butterflies
May 16 (Virtual) Walk in the Woods
May 23 & 30 Moon Gardens and Nighttime Pollinators
May 24 Current Trends in Garden Design
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Richmond
May 3 & 4 Spring Plantfest and Plant Sale
May 11 Container Bog Gardens Lecture/Demo
May 11 Summer Herb Garden Basics
May 16 The Hidden Life of Trees
May 18 Starting From Seed: a Day of Seed Workshops
May 27 Memorial Day Free Admission for Military & First Responders
Hahn Horticulture Garden, Blacksburg
May 5 Windows to the Hahn Garden: Opening Reception
May 8 Boxwood Blight
May 15 Essential Oils & Self Care
May 29 Fundamental Movements For Gardening
May 9 Painting and Sketching in the Garden
May 18 Wine and Roses Open House
May 30 Botanical Painting and Sketching with Lara Call Gastinger
Maymont Estate (Richmond) Calendar