What do we do? Where will you see us?
Master Gardeners aid in serving the horticultural needs of our community by assisting the local VCE agent in responding to inquiries received from local residents pertaining to pests, diseases, lawns and gardening, or questions of a general nature regarding horticulture. All responses and recommendations are researched and/or provided based on the PMG (Pest Management Guide), Extension Service resources, local VCE Agent, USDA resources or other qualified sources. How to contact us? Visit the Bedford Cooperative Extension office, call us at (540)586-7675 or email the Help Desk @ bedfordmg@vt.edu. Year-round.
Bedford YMCA Gardens – In early 2017, the Y started a new 1.5 acre educational garden with a self-sustaining watering system and over 100 species of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and nut trees in raised beds, in the ground, and on trellises. There are bee hives, compost piles, a covered pavilion with workroom, and a deer fence surrounding. Our Master Gardener (BAMGA) project here began in 2019, volunteering in conjunction with the Bedford Area Family YMCA. We work with Y member children who attend the after school and summer programs. We teach gardening basics and execute fun, educational projects on horticultural, environmental, and healthy lifestyle topics.
Sedalia Center Pollinator Garden – The Sedalia Center, located in north Bedford County, began partnering in 2019 with the Bedford Master Gardeners (BAMGA) to educate the public on pollinator gardens. There are 8 raised plant beds that will differ in themes to reflect differing pollinator groups and biomes: honey bees, native bees (mason & bumble), butterflies, monarch butterflies, hummingbirds, pasture plants, and a pollinator friendly herb garden. BAMGA volunteers will educate the public via signage, seminars, soil testing, and general pollinator info for each garden bed.
Urban Education Garden – Located at Bedford Urban Garden (BUG). Master Gardeners provide periodic workshops, clinics, and classes to teach the public about gardening in an urban setting. We support the BUG mission to enrich the community and support healthy lifestyles and healthy eating. BUG provides citizens and families with the opportunity to plant, tend and harvest their own “Garden to Table” vegetables and herbs in a designated garden area.
Victory Garden – Master Gardeners assist Bedford’s 4H & ANR Extension Agent with horticulture training for school groups at the D-Day Memorial. Volunteers share knowledge, enthusiasm and love of plants and the environment. Students learn about Victory gardens… and then plant and maintain their own! In turn, volunteers benefit by watching the sense of wonder through a child’s eye as the children learn, sow, grow and harvest together. Spring through Early Summer.
Bedford County Chestnut Stand – The Bedford Area Master Gardener Chestnut Project was created and approved in early 2024. This project will shepherd the planting of a dozen backcross hybrid American Chestnut trees at Falling Creek Park, in Bedford County.
Centerfest – (SEPTEMBER). Bedford Centerfest is one of the region’s largest street festivals. At Centerfest, Master Gardeners host an Information Booth. Our volunteers provide educational materials, respond to questions relating to horticulture and gardening, as well as provide information relative to the Master Gardener Training Program and BAMGA membership.
Festival of Trees – (DECEMBER). An annual community event, sponsored by the Bedford Welcome Center, which purposes to help raise money for local charities. It features Christmas Trees decorated by various organizations that wish to support their favorite charity. The community votes for their favorite trees (or charity) by donating $1 for each vote and the proceeds are shared among all the Christmas Tree entrants.
Forest Farmers Market – (SPRING, SUMMER, FALL). Outdoor Market venue, located behind the Forest Public Library. A Bedford Extension Master Gardener information table is available on most Market Saturdays. Changing seasonal topics and interactive presentations. Children’s Saturdays are presented occasionally, focusing on a hands-on, educational activity.
Bedford Farmers Market – (May through October, first Saturday of the Month) Located in downtown Bedford, VA at 220 W. Washington Street. The project’s purpose is to educate market attendees on horticultural, environmental, and gardening topics and to answer any questions as well as enabling EMGs to interact with the public. General information is provided in addition to seasonal topics created for each month. A children’s activity is provided at each market.
Moneta Herb Festival – (MAY). Held at Moneta Farm and Home Center in Moneta, VA. Master Gardeners host an information booth here. BAMGA Volunteers provide educational materials, respond to questions relating to horticulture and gardening, and provide information relative to the Master Gardener Training Program and BAMGA membership. Herb plants are featured and discounted during this event. Foods featuring the “herb of the year” are prepared for sampling, and handouts with recipes and general cultivation info are available. www.monetafhc.com 540-297-5558, First Saturday in May
Plant Sale – (APRIL). Bedford Area Extension Master Gardeners volunteers sell many types of plants and gardening accessories, and also provide “Help Desk” information in response to general horticultural questions. Last Saturday in April
Therapeutic Gardening – A program designed to improve – through gardening – the quality of life for a vulnerable population. The program includes mini-workshops, raised beds, and container gardens. The goal is to have the Nursing Home personnel sustain the program with ongoing assistance from Bedford Extension Master Gardeners for the educational component. Year-round
- “Grow The Good Life” Spring Seminars: For everyone in the community!!! A full day of education on various horticultural topics. These seminars are presented by specialists in the various horticultural content fields. Held on a Saturday in February or March.
- Public Library Workshops: In cooperation with the Bedford Public County Library System, Bedford Area Extension Master Gardener members present educational gardening seminars at all six Bedford libraries. These seminars are open to the public. Topics vary according to local needs and interest. Generally free of charge. Presentation dates vary. www.bplsonline.org
- Speakers Bureau: From time to time, local civic groups, garden clubs, organizations and other community groups request a speaker on gardening topics for various events and/or functions. The Speakers Bureau Coordinator maintains a current list of Master Gardeners who are qualified (in subject matter and in public speaking) and willing to serve as guest speakers for such events or functions. Year-round
BAMGA is pleased to announce the launch of our Traveling Seed Library! This is your opportunity to learn how to save money by successfully growing plants from seed. And, BONUS, you’ll have plants to share with your friends and neighbors. Master Gardeners will be available to explain the process, discuss best practices, and share some interesting seed varieties from our library. If you have seed to share, we’ll be happy to swap with you. Look for the Traveling Seed Library at events this Spring and Summer where the Bedford Master Gardeners are present.
- Master Gardener volunteers donate plants from their gardens or from commercial growers for sale to the general public. Any funds collected that exceed costs are donated to support the community efforts and outreach of the VCE Master Gardener program. At the sale event, Master Gardener volunteers provide education in response to general horticultural questions as well as to questions regarding the care of specific plants. Each plant is accompanied by an informational description and care guide. Bedford County Gym,1059 Turning Point Rd, Bedford, VA . Last Saturday in April
- Master Gardener Training Class- This class is computer based with a series of ten ‘hands-on’ labs. Students have up to six months to complete the independent study modules, quizzes and final exam.
Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran status, or any other basis protected by law. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. An equal opportunity affirmative action employer. If you are a person with a disability and desire assistance or accommodation, please notify Scott Baker at the Bedford Extension Office at 540-586-7675 (TDD number 800-828-1120) during business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.