For those interested in learning more about the living art of bonsai, the Hinoki Bonsai Club will conduct one or two beginners’ classes in the Spring of 2020. (The exact dates will be determined based upon student interest, but the first session will likely be around March 1.)
Each class will consist of four two-hour sessions, likely on successive weekends. Topics to be included include basic bonsai design, pruning, wiring, bonsai soils and repotting, pest control and general bonsai care. Registration is $35 per student. Each student will receive a tree and a pot, course materials, and membership in the Hinoki Bonsai Club through August 31, 2020. Each class is limited to 10 students. If interested call or email Brian McCrodden to reserve your spot (540-297-0946;

The HINOKI BONSAI CLUB was organized in 1978 for the purpose of bringing together persons who have an interest in bonsai. The Club provides an opportunity for members to develop an appreciation for bonsai and to develop their skills in cultivating bonsai by exchanging ideas, information, and experience with others.