Urban Vegetable Gardening

The Virginia Beach Master Gardeners are hosting this one-hour presentation on Urban Vegetable Gardening. The days may be cold and dreary, those seed catalogs are piling up and you long to have really fresh vegetables, but you think that you can’t grow fresh vegetables because you don’t have enough garden space. Urban Vegetable Gardening is […]


Common Diseases in the Vegetable Garden


Part of the Grow Your Own Food Series, produced by VMGA Ed. Comm.: Common diseases and their biological and sustainable management. Dr. Timothy Durham Associate Professor at Ferrum College VA. Doctorate in Plant Medicine from University of Florida. More info click here. Registration at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrcOuprj0sGNGo0p2XUlNyiiSnxHnGtoxd


The Three Sisters—Indigenous Origins and Best Growing Practices (Zoom)


GO TO THIS LINK FOR MORE INFO & REGISTRATION Registration is open for the 2022 Virtual Spring Lecture Series!   All lectures will be hosted online via Zoom, from 7-8:15pm ET. Save your spot now. The PMG Association will continue to offer virtual programming until it is safe for us to gather again in person. Please […]
