Fall Butterfly Gardening- Zoom

Butterfly gardening isn’t restricted to just the spring and summer. Butterflies and their caterpillars also need plenty of fall forage, especially in August, September, and potentially into October, depending on where you are located. In this class, we will discuss some of the management activities you can take and some of the flowers that you […]


Fall Gardening with Leslie Keleher Harris (Zoom)


All alumni, parents, and friends are invited to virtually join the UVA Club of Charlottesville for a look at how Leslie readies her garden for winter and the following spring. We are excited to welcome Leslie Keheler Harris back six months later for a window into her end of season garden tasks and preparation for spring! […]


2021 Grow The Good Life Conference- Feb 20th (PART 1)


Fellow Gardeners: It’s time to sharpen up your garden tools, scan through your plant catalogs, get your seed starter kits set up and sign up for Grow The Good Life! This winter’s program will be virtual. The Bedford Extension Master Gardeners Association is offering four presentations over two weekends in February by Zoom. There will […]


Gardening in the Valley Symposium- Virtual


Gardening Symposium This full day continuing education symposium will feature four speakers and topics. Morning and afternoon sessions will be separated by a lunch break that will give you time to eat and stretch your legs while you listen to other short topics including highlights from Frederick County’s FFA and an update on the Spotted […]


Gardening for Pollinators in Fall and Winter (Online Lecture)


The last flowers of the season may be blooming, but did you know you can support pollinators in your garden year-round? Join Clare to hear how you can plant for pollinators, as well as create nesting sites and overwintering habitats for bees, butterflies, and more. Become a pollinator protector this fall! GUEST SPEAKER:  Clare Walker […]

Permaculture in the Garden: Lessons from the Farm


Join Extension Master Gardener Maria Velikonja to explore basic permaculture concepts and designs that will help you transform your small urban yard into your own food forest. Gardening does not have to be a lot of work, nor do you need to use inorganic chemicals. Maria will share lessons from her experience with permaculture on […]
