Fabulous Fall Garden (Sue Becker)

Bedford Urban Gardens 412 Jackson Street, Bedford, VA, United States

BUG Gardening Classes 2021 Fall Flyer


Gardening for Pollinators in Fall and Winter (Online Lecture)


The last flowers of the season may be blooming, but did you know you can support pollinators in your garden year-round? Join Clare to hear how you can plant for pollinators, as well as create nesting sites and overwintering habitats for bees, butterflies, and more. Become a pollinator protector this fall! GUEST SPEAKER:  Clare Walker […]

Putting the Garden to Bed

Zoom webinar

Did you know that Fall is the ideal time to plant trees, shrubs, and perennials? This class offers easy tips for planting, onsite composting, providing winter habitat and food for wildlife, and end-of-season care of tools and equipment. We’ll help you identify opportunities to learn from this year’s successes and failures (we all have them) […]


Preparing for Fall and Winter Vegetable Gardening – Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia

Zoom webinar

Class Description Wondering what to plant when the weather starts to cool? Consider carrots, leafy greens, or garlic for starters. Join Extension Master Gardener Molly Newling to learn what to plant when, and simple tips for success. Molly discusses inexpensive techniques to extend your harvest and ways to enjoy some of your crops in the dead of […]