Guiding Theory into Reality: It Don’t Mean a Thing if the Landscape Don’t Sing
onlineModules 1 -4/ 2021 Annual Symposium Full Bundle.
Bedford Area Master Gardeners Association
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Modules 1 -4/ 2021 Annual Symposium Full Bundle.
Free webinar from "The Gardener's Workshop" Join Lisa Mason Ziegler for a refresher on the practical applications of the Cool Flowers concept such as tending the fall-planted garden and planting in very early spring. If you are not familiar with the basics of planting cool-season hardy annuals, Lisa recommends: reading the book Cool Flowers, requesting the FREE […]
GARDEN SOILS CLASS Bryce Lane, Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Emeritus and Lecturer Emeritus, Department of Horticultural Science, NC State University As gardeners, we spend most of our time thinking "above ground." We ruminate about plants, combinations, color, texture, and about light exposure, water, temperature and climate. Gardening success is equally dependent on what is going […]
Free webinar from "The Gardener's Workshop". Join Lisa Mason Ziegler for a tutorial on how she grows a constant supply of sunflowers for her cut-flower farm. This webinar will cover the cashflow benefits of growing sunflowers and how to do it. Selecting a sunflower variety to grow, starting from seed, when to start and end […]
Due to icy weather conditions, the start date for this training will be moved to Monday, February 8th. Head on over to this website's "Membership- Join Us" Page for all of the details. See you there!
Back to Our Roots: Leveraging Native Plants to Restore the Environment. Years of rapid urbanization have fragmented natural habitats with manicured lawns and barren over-development leading to significant declines in biodiversity. How can you reverse this alarming trend? Join us for a fascinating day of innovative presentations that dig deep into how native plants can […]
Fellow Gardeners: It’s time to sharpen up your garden tools, scan through your plant catalogs, get your seed starter kits set up and sign up for Grow The Good Life! This winter’s program will be virtual. The Bedford Extension Master Gardeners Association is offering four presentations over two weekends in February by Zoom. There will […]
Fellow Gardeners: It’s time to sharpen up your garden tools, scan through your plant catalogs, get your seed starter kits set up and sign up for Grow The Good Life! This winter’s program will be virtual. The Bedford Extension Master Gardeners Association is offering four presentations over two weekends in February by Zoom. There will […]
Brie Arthur, Author, Horticulturist, and Lifelong Home Gardener Saturday, February 27 – 10:00 AM–12:00 PM Mammal browse is one of the biggest challenges that gardeners face. And we all have critters that we are sharing our gardens with, including deer, rabbits, groundhogs, even cats and dogs! The reality is, our gardens are delicious- they are […]
Gardening Symposium This full day continuing education symposium will feature four speakers and topics. Morning and afternoon sessions will be separated by a lunch break that will give you time to eat and stretch your legs while you listen to other short topics including highlights from Frederick County’s FFA and an update on the Spotted […]
FOR VIRGINIA EXTENSION MASTER GARDENERS ONLY Please check with your Virginia Extension Agent for Zoom invitation & registration.
The Virginia Beach Master Gardeners are hosting this one-hour presentation on Urban Vegetable Gardening. The days may be cold and dreary, those seed catalogs are piling up and you long to have really fresh vegetables, but you think that you can’t grow fresh vegetables because you don’t have enough garden space. Urban Vegetable Gardening is […]