Horticultural Therapy/Therapeutic Horticulture
onlineFOR VIRGINIA EXTENSION MASTER GARDENERS ONLY Please check with your Virginia Extension Agent for Zoom invitation & registration.
Bedford Area Master Gardeners Association
Virginia Cooperative Extension
FOR VIRGINIA EXTENSION MASTER GARDENERS ONLY Please check with your Virginia Extension Agent for Zoom invitation & registration.
The Virginia Beach Master Gardeners are hosting this one-hour presentation on Urban Vegetable Gardening. The days may be cold and dreary, those seed catalogs are piling up and you long to have really fresh vegetables, but you think that you can’t grow fresh vegetables because you don’t have enough garden space. Urban Vegetable Gardening is […]
Definition of a Weed: A weed is any plant that is not in a place where you want it to be. Even edible, medicinal, herbal plants, and even flowers, are considered weeds to those who don't want them where they pop up. Dandelions are a perfect example. In the lawn dandelions are weeds. Dandelions are […]
National Gardening Day on April 14 is a day of encouragement, a day created to give gardeners a shove and a shovel so that they can begin their gardening journey. More
The Path Forward Please join us April 17-24, 2021 for tours throughout Virginia. Visitors will tour inspired private landscapes, public gardens and historic sites across Virginia, enjoying our beautiful state at the peak of spring. In addition, over 1,000 world-class floral arrangements created by Garden Club of Virginia members will enhance tour properties. This beloved […]
On April 19, the Virginia Beach Master Gardeners will provide a presentation on Nonchemical and Organic Methods to Control Pests and Weeds. Dave Lawson, Branch Manager, Landscape Supply of VA, will discuss alternatives to synthetic pesticides including nonchemical and organic controls. We will learn if nonchemical methods are organic, what “organic” actually means, and what […]
On April 19, 2021 at 7pm-8pm, the Virginia Beach Master Gardeners will provide a presentation on Understanding the Myths and Truths of Organic Pesticides. Sherry Kern, Virginia Beach Master Gardener will discuss alternatives to synthetic pesticides including nonchemical and organic controls. This presentation is free and open to the public. Go to VBMG.org to join […]
Browse more than 100 varieties of antique and heirloom roses available in this year’s sale. Buy them online and pick them up at Old City Cemetery. Pick-up begins April 23. Sale begins April 21st at 10:00am.
The World Turns to Climate Action EARTHDAY.ORG is honored that the Biden Administration has decided to convene a global climate summit on Earth Day 2021. Many important environmental events have happened on Earth Day since 1970, including the recent signing of the Paris Agreement, as Earth Day continues to be a momentous and unifying day each and every […]
A free five-part webinar series with James Downer, Ph.D. of University of California: Trees Make a Better World Thursdays 12:30pm-1:30pm April 22- May 20
Come peruse more than 100 varieties of antique and heirloom roses for sale at OCC and take home some new garden treasures.
Gear up for a botanical journey through North America as we explore the illustrious history of overlooked plants. Justin Fornal will identify weeds we often see growing along modern highways that were once used in Native American ceremonial rituals. He will discuss the process used to create birch sap wine, mojo bags, resin based adhesives, medicinal salves, colonial era […]