Wild garlic Allium vineale LAlso known as: wild onion, crow garlic, fieldonion, Jamestown-grass, Stag’s garlic, scallion,ramsons and rush-leek. Read about: … [Read more...]
The hot summer months will soon be upon us, so ready or not, it is time to be thinking about all those garden chores that need to be done. The quiet winter and early spring months are great times to get those garden tools and … [Read more...]
Leave the Leaves
At last autumn has arrived, after what seems like an interminable summer. Leaves are beginning to change and will soon be falling. Some people enjoy the annual ritual of raking up leaves, possibly burning them or leaving them on the curb for pickup. … [Read more...]
How To Plant Annual Rye, The Best No-Till Fall Garden Cover Crop Of All!
When it comes to planting a fall cover crop in your garden, it’s hard to beat the incredible benefits of annual rye. Cover crops are the single best method for recharging your garden’s soil each fall. Not only do they provide valuable … [Read more...]
From The Bedford Extension MG Help Desk
QUESTION The client needs to seed a large lawn area (about 5 acres) and was looking for information to help do so. DIAGNOSIS / RECOMMENDATION It was recommended that the client get a soil test first to determine the appropriate … [Read more...]
June Gardening Tips
With the start of June we now welcome summer and our gardens are now in full swing. With summer we have to keep our gardens watered regularly and keep an eye out for insect and disease problems. Below are gardening tips to help your garden grow … [Read more...]
Lawn Care Safety for the Whole Family During COVID-19
As it is every year at this time, it’s finally spring and the grass is growing. What is different about this year though, is that the kids are home. It might seem like a good idea to send them outside to do some yard work while practicing social … [Read more...]
Pull Them and Eat Them Too: Edible Weeds
Weeds are often seen as an insurmountable force, an unbearable nuisance, an overwhelming enemy in the garden, all of which ensure the utmost of destruction must take place. Before you tackle them with your hoe, harrow, or hands, please read on. It … [Read more...]
“Spring Cleaning” in the Garden
Spring cleaning is not just for rugs and rooms. Planting beds need attention early in March. Many weed seeds will have already germinated on warm winter days. But, you ask, “is it a weed, or a plant?” Weeds of the Northeast by Richard H. … [Read more...]
Mowing To Recycle Grass Clippings: Let the Clips Fall Where They May!
Lawn turfgrasses provide many benefits to our immediate environment. Soil erosion control, improved protection of groundwater, improvement of the quality of life through noise and dust abatement, improvements of air quality, and aesthetic and … [Read more...]