There are lots of cool‐ season lawns (tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass either as single species or mixtures) that look like this following the roller coaster of summer weather patterns that featured record heat and drought, … [Read more...]
Heat and dry weather pose problems for landscape plants
During hot, dry weather, gardeners should water properly and evaluate susceptible landscape plants, according to Virginia Cooperative Extension experts. High temperatures, combined with dry weather, pose a threat to Virginia’s home landscapes. … [Read more...]
Turfgrass Disease Profiles – Rust Diseases
Recently I walked across a lawn and noticed that my shoes were covered with orange powder. The cause? Lawn rust disease. Read on for information on Rust Diseases from the Perdue University Extension. -Linda SE … [Read more...]
Fall leaves – to bag or not? Turf experts explain why mulching leaves is a better solution
October is peak season for admiring fall foliage and soon those leaves will begin to fall, if they haven’t already done so. Before you start to clean them up, Virginia Tech turf experts suggest that you try a different approach instead of bagging and … [Read more...]
Fall Lawn Care
The fall season is an important transition period of turfgrass growth and development, and the management of your warm- and cool-season grasses at this time of year means a great deal in terms of anticipated success in your lawn the following spring. … [Read more...]
American Burnweed, Erechtites hieraciifolius
Recently, while driving on a country roads here in Bedford County, I passed through an area where it almost seemed like it was "snowing"! There were numerous little white, hairy orbs gently floating on the air. They were actually seeds from a plant … [Read more...]
Baby Rabbit
As gardeners we know that wild rabbits love to sample some of the tender plants in our gardens! But are you aware that they may build shallow nests in your yard for their babies? Click HERE for valuable information about baby rabbits from Wildlife … [Read more...]
Managing Human Wildlife Interactions: Snakes
One day, when I was a little girl, I was playing outside; yes, we did that back then! As I came around the corner of our home, I saw a black snake, curled up, enjoying a bit of shade, under an evergreen tree. I stopped dead in my tracks, petrified … [Read more...]
Underfoot: Mock Strawberry or Indian Strawberry
I guess that most people usually expect to read about strawberries in the spring and summer. This small, low-growing perennial strawberry may just be creeping near the edges of your yard right now. Read on: … [Read more...]
Plants For Pollinators: Violets
Violets are often bemoaned as “weeds” when found in lawns, and otherwise impugned for their tendency to easily reseed and spread. With their heart shaped leaves and cheery blue flowers, violets aren’t really bad guys – in fact they are the host plant … [Read more...]