White-tailed deer are responsible for a great deal of landscape destruction. Using landscape plants NOT preferred by deer is one way to prevent or at least lessen damage. The plants deer prefer to eat vary from region to region and change seasonally. … [Read more...]
River Birch Trees
The client has two 5-7 year old river birch trees. For last 2 years, the leaves have not developed to the normal size compared to previous years. Trees are in a sunny, well-drained area. The derecho took off all leaves few years … [Read more...]
American Rose Society Information
The American Rose Society (established 1892) exists to promote the culture, preservation and appreciation of the Rose and to improve its standard of excellence for all people, through education and research. Our members have the Rose … [Read more...]
Flowering Crabapples for the Garden
As the spring blooms of flowering cherries are fading, it reminds me of the many calls we get each year from folks who want to plant their own cherries. No one can argue with the beauty of cherries, but cherries are plagued with problems in … [Read more...]
Why Would You Want to Cut a Plant Almost to the Ground?
I can think of a few good reasons for what horticulture calls “coppicing.” The main reason is to rejuvenate a big, old bush. Getting rid of all of the old wood clears space and coerces a plant to get busy growing fresh shoots – or else. … [Read more...]
Growing Currants
Managing Winter Injury to Trees and Shrubs
Understanding certain principles and cultural practices will significantly reduce winter damage that can be divided into three categories: desiccation, freezing, and breakage. What to do? Continue... SOURCE: Virginia Cooperative … [Read more...]
Add Color to Winter Gardens
Shrubs and trees with red fruits or leaves are a great way to add color to your winter garden. Check out this publication from Virginia Cooperative Extension for plant ideas that add a pop of red. Click on link … [Read more...]
Nandina Berries Kill Birds
Nandina is a popular garden shrub used through the U.S. It is non-native, and considered invasive in some states. While the berries are showy and last for months, they have a serious side effect: they’re toxic to … [Read more...]
Attract Birds with Dwarf Conifers
When it comes to attracting birds, there is a guaranteed recipe for success. Birds are attracted to a backyard that provides the tempting trio of food, shelter and nesting sites. And what’s a great way to offer all … [Read more...]