Whether you’re on a mission to grow as much of your own food as possible or just love cooking with homegrown vegetables, putting up root crops for winter can be an easy way to keep the winter pantry full. Read more: Source: … [Read more...]
Weed Alert – Tree of Heaven
Blue Ridge PRISM Recommendations SOURCE: Blue Ridge PRISM … [Read more...]
Fall is the Season for Cool Season Lawn Recovery
There are lots of cool‐ season lawns (tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass either as single species or mixtures) that look like this following the roller coaster of summer weather patterns that featured record heat and drought, … [Read more...]
What to do with Leaves in the Fall
As we head into fall, leaves start to change color from green to yellows, red, orange, and purple. Eventually the colors will fade and the leaves will fall to the ground. Read More: … [Read more...]
Heirloom Apple Production
The apple, Malus domestica, has been cultivated in the southern U.S. since the 1600s. These old southern apples performed well in our hot, humid climate and were an important part of the diet of our ancestors. Over 1,800 varieties of apples were … [Read more...]
Late Summer House Plant Clean Up
The key to healthy plants is keeping them tidy. But with all the things going on in our lives, especially with busy summer vacations, taking care of our plants can fall by the wayside. However, now is a great time to do clean up and tend those … [Read more...]
Trees of Life – Fraser Magnolia
Fraser Magnolia (Magnolia fraseri - mag-NO-lee-ah frah-SER-ee) Common Name(s): Earleaf Cucumber Tree,Earleaf Magnolia,Earleaf Umbrella Tree,Fraser Magnolia,Mountain Magnolia The Fraser or Mountain Magnolia is found in our mountain areas in … [Read more...]
Japanese Stiltgrass
Blue Ridge PRISM Recommendations Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) was once used as packing material for transporting porcelain from Asia to North America. It was discovered in the wild in the United States in 1919, most likely due to … [Read more...]
Rose-of-Sharon, Shrub Althea (Hibiscus syriacus)
Rose-of-Sharon is a large shrub with showy, relatively large single or double flowers that bloom in summer. Flower colors include white, red, purple, violet, and blue. Continued: Source: … [Read more...]
Eastern Yellowjacket
The eastern yellowjacket is a ground nesting species found throughout most of the eastern United States - from North Dakota to Texas and east to the Atlantic coast. It is very common in woodlands, pastures, parks and lawns. CONTINUE SOURCE: … [Read more...]