I KNOW A LOT OF PLANTS BY THEIR PROPER NAMES, but when it comes to “weeds,” as we term unwanted garden visitors that seem to just come with the territory, my knowledge really paled until recent years. Lately, on days not conducive to outdoor work, … [Read more...]
Tree of Heaven & Spotted Lantern Fly
If you’re hosting this incredibly common plant, you could be hosting #SpottedLanternfly before you know it. Ailanthus trees, more commonly known as tree-of-heaven, are the preferred host of everyone’s least favorite #BadBug. Learn … [Read more...]
Japanese Stiltgrass
The client requested identification of a weed taking over his lawn and recommendations on how it should be controlled. DIAGNOSIS / RECOMMENDATION The weed was identified as Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum). It can be controlled in … [Read more...]