Recently Carol O. shared an excellent article on Amaryllis. These beautiful flowers are grown from bulbs and, with a vast array of colorful varieties, they can help to decorate and brighten homes during the winter season. Today, I was happy to see … [Read more...]
Mistletoe science and folklore
Many of us think of mistletoe as a little twig with green leaves and white berries, tied with a red ribbon and hung in doorways during the holidays, where it is a popular tradition to stand under and receive a kiss. However, mistletoe has a long and … [Read more...]
Decorating the house with fresh greenery is one of the oldest winter holiday traditions. Evergreens have been a part of winter festivals since ancient times. Evergreens are used to represent everlasting life and hope for the return of spring. … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) and Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera x buckleyi) are popular, fall- and winter-flowering houseplants native to Brazil, and are available in a wide variety of colors including red, rose, purple, lavender, … [Read more...]
If the word “poinsettia” conjures up one color and one color only – red – you are in for a treat: a whirlwind tour of 35 different poinsettia cultivars, in many different beguiling hues. CONTINUE SOURCE: … [Read more...]
Tips for Selection and Care of Cut Christmas Trees
There is no right or wrong species when it comes to choosing a Christmas tree. It all depends on your tastes and what is available locally. Bringing a freshly cut tree into your home, having it hold irreplaceable ornaments and bear witness to the … [Read more...]
The large bell-shaped or lily-like flowers of the amaryllis (Hippeastrum species) and its hybrids make excellent garden and potted plants. They are available in a wide range of flower colors including red, white, pink, orange, salmon or bicolored and … [Read more...]
The do’s and don’ts of holiday decorating with plants
Keep holiday greenery fresh and pets safe from toxic plant material by following a Virginia Cooperative Extension master gardener’s expert tips. Continued: … [Read more...]
A terrarium is a tightly closed, clear glass or plastic container filled with small plants. It also has come to mean an open, transparent container for growing and displaying plants. Terrariums are most useful for small plants that do not adapt well … [Read more...]
Bedford Extension Master Gardener Plant Sale
IT'S ALMOST TIME! The Bedford Extension Master Gardeners have been hard at work growing plants for their annual Plant Sale. Laurel Denne, Plant Sale Coordinator, stated, "Our goal is to provide quality plants and also offer unique plants that … [Read more...]