Making a small investment in a good grow light can make a world of difference in what you can accomplish as an indoor gardener. Continued: SOURCE: … [Read more...]
How to Create A Holiday Wreath
A wreath is an attractive decoration for the holiday season. Making a wreath isn't as difficult as you might think. Follow these steps to create a holiday wreath using evergreen branches from your own yard. Continued: SOURCE: … [Read more...]
The do’s and don’ts of holiday decorating with plants
Keep holiday greenery fresh and pets safe from toxic plant material by following a Virginia Cooperative Extension master gardener’s expert tips. Read on: Source: … [Read more...]
How and When to Divide Perennials
Perennials grace our gardens year after year with their variety of brilliant colors and unique foliage forms. After a few years in the garden, these perennials may start to produce smaller blooms, develop a 'bald spot' at the center of their crown, … [Read more...]
Floriography:The Languageof Flowers
Floriography simply means the language of flowers. Every flower holdsa different meaning based on its species, color or both. Read more: Source: … [Read more...]
Stop before you lop – a quick guide to winter pruning
To prune or not to prune? That is the question. Homeowners may want to take advantage of the milder temperatures and get a head start pruning trees and shrubs in the landscape. Continued: … [Read more...]
10 Adaptive Gardening Rules To Live By…
Adaptive gardening offers a myriad of ways for gardeners of all ages with a limited range of motion, the wheelchair bound, or anyone wanting to reduce stress on their joints, to identify what works for them in their garden according to their personal … [Read more...]
Create New Garden Beds with Sheet Composting and Sheet Mulching
The amount of work usually associated with creating a new garden bed can be challenging. Removing grass and weeds, digging up the area, and incorporating fertilizer or other amendments into the soil can be labor intensive. Fortunately, there is a … [Read more...]
Decorating the house with fresh greenery is one of the oldest winter holiday traditions. Evergreens have been a part of winter festivals since ancient times. Evergreens are used to represent everlasting life and hope for the return of spring. Read … [Read more...]
The hot summer months will soon be upon us, so ready or not, it is time to be thinking about all those garden chores that need to be done. The quiet winter and early spring months are great times to get those garden tools and … [Read more...]