The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine will be expanded in July 2022 to include the following cities and counties: Buena Vista, Charlottesville, Harrisonburg, Lexington, Lynchburg, Manassas, … [Read more...]
What to do about woodchucks
The woodchuck (a.k.a. groundhog) is often caught between being a celebrity and a villain. One day we rely on their shadow to forecast the seasons; the next we grumble as they make a meal of our carefully planted garden vegetables. Continued: … [Read more...]
Pesticides, Pollinators, and Pestilence: Protecting Public Health and Pollinators
Tick and mosquito control provides important public health protection, but can also affect pollinator populations. The effects are often dependent on specific local conditions, such as how close the pesticide application is to places pollinators … [Read more...]
Chiggers are the immature stage of certain mites belonging to the family Trombiculidae. Continued: … [Read more...]
Insect Hotels
In the wild, solitary insect species, like wood-boring beetles and solitary bees, search for cavities in wood to lay eggs. These cavities are typically left by burrowing beetles, woodpeckers, or the tree’s own natural growth. Some species, like … [Read more...]
From the Help Desk – Isn’t That Just Plum-Dandy!
QUESTION The client called about a 6-yr old plum tree that had fruit for 3 years but not for last 2 even though it bloomed well. DIAGNOSIS / RECOMMENDATION The problem was identified as a lack of a pollinator variety. Japanese plums … [Read more...]
From the Help Desk
Oh, the Gall of it All QUESTION The client submitted a photo of a strange growth on his oak tree and asked to know what it is and if he should do something about it. DIAGNOSIS / RECOMMENDATION It was identified as the wool sower gall, … [Read more...]
How to Feed Birds Safely This Winter
Follow these tips to ensure that you’re creating a healthy environment for wildlife visitors you attract to your yard. Continued: … [Read more...]
Asian Lady Beetle Infestation of Structures
Large numbers of lady beetles (ladybugs) infesting homes and buildings in the United States were first reported in the early 1990s. Ladybugs normally are considered beneficial since they live outdoors and feed on plant pests. MORE SOURCE: … [Read more...]
What happens to bees in winter?
Bees do not hibernate in winter. They slowly and continuously flex their wings, creating vibrations that keep themselves and the hive warm throughout the winter. Read more: … [Read more...]