People who complain about bumblebees flying about under the eaves of their homes are probably being annoyed by carpenter bees. Carpenter bees resemble bumblebees in both size and appearance, but are not social insects... More … [Read more...]
Managing the Tick Problem
Ticks have fast become the pest of greatest personal health concern to gardeners and outdoor people of all stripes. With good reason. They are everywhere, hard to detect and can carry debilitating, even deadly diseases. While there is no silver … [Read more...]
Fall Garden Care for Pollinators
Doug Tallamy’s seminal work in backyard ecology, the book Bringing Nature Home, implored gardeners to think about how their landscapes are viewed by the bugs and birds that rely on plants for survival. Read more about Fall Garden Care for … [Read more...]
Why do we Hate Wasps and Love Bees?
Why do we Hate Wasps and Love Bees? A new study reveals that wasps are largely disliked by the public, whereas bees are highly appreciated. The researchers involved say that this view is unfair because wasps are just as ecologically useful as … [Read more...]
Parasitic Vines That Feed on Parasitic Wasps That Feed on Trees
Parasitic Vines That Feed on Parasitic Wasps That Feed on Trees Parasites have a leisurely lifestyle — set up camp at someone else’s place, live off their food, profit (evolutionarily speaking). … [Read more...]