Native plants attract a variety of birds, butterflies, pollinators, and other wildlife by providing diverse habitats and food sources. Native plants feed the insects that are the base of the food web, and insects that are especially important as food … [Read more...]
The Importance of Pollinators
Pollinators like native bees, moths and butterflies, birds, bats and other animals are hard at work providing vital but often unnoticed services. They pollinate crops like apples, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, melon, peaches, potatoes, vanilla, … [Read more...]
Pollinator Plants; Mid-Atlantic Region
Providing wildflower-rich habitat is the most significant action you can take to support pollinators. Adult bees, butterflies, and other pollinators require nectar as their primary food source, and female bees collect pollen as food for their … [Read more...]
How to Grow and Care for Canterbury Bells
Canterbury bells (Campanula rotundifolia) are a biennial plant popular in European and North American landscapes. It is a medium-sized specimen with an upright form featuring numerous vibrant, sweet-smelling bell-shaped flowers that range from white … [Read more...]
Salvias (also known as sages) are popular garden plants because they flower for an extended period and do well in hot, dry conditions. They provide an incredible variety of fragrance, bloom, plant habit, and color. CONTINUE SOURCE: Clemson … [Read more...]
Plants For Pollinators: Violets
Violets are often bemoaned as “weeds” when found in lawns, and otherwise impugned for their tendency to easily reseed and spread. With their heart shaped leaves and cheery blue flowers, violets aren’t really bad guys – in fact they are the host plant … [Read more...]
Pretty, portable pollinator gardens: Top 10 plants for pollinator-friendly containers
“Pollinator gardens provide food for bees, butterflies, moths, wasps, and other helpful species,” says Diane Blazek, Executive Director at National Garden Bureau (NGB). “In turn, they pollinate the vegetables that produce our food. They really are … [Read more...]
How to Grow and Care for Beardtongue (Penstemon)
The plantain family (Plantaginaceae) gifts us with some wonderful ornamental flowering plants, including snapdragons, foxglove, and the valuable Penstemon genus, which contains more than 250 beardtongue species ready to … [Read more...]