Petunias are among the most popular flowering annuals for good reason. Petunias are bright and lively, bloom from spring until frost, and scent the air with lovely fragrance. Best of all, petunias are amazingly easy to grow, both in the … [Read more...]
About Butterflies
“Splendor awaits in minute proportions” – E.O. Wilson, Biologist The ephemeral beauty of the butterfly and the peculiarity of its life cycle symbolize transformation in nature and the passage of time. In some languages, the word for “butterfly” is … [Read more...]
Why Virginia Natives are the Best Choice
Whether you want to put in a flower garden or establish or restore the landscape around your home, there are a great variety of Virginia native plants from which to choose! Native plants not only offer many practical, low cost, and environmental … [Read more...]
Understanding Shade: How to Create the Ultimate Shade Garden
Shade can be challenging to some, and over the years as a landscape designer, I have received questions from clients on what to plant in the more shaded areas of their property. My response always is, “You can achieve a beautiful shade garden by … [Read more...]
American Beech - Fagus grandifolia The American Beech's symmetrical, stately bearing makes it a great native choice for a landscape that needs shade and beauty. It also features a muscular trunk with smooth gray bark said by some to look like … [Read more...]
Winter Bird Feeding: The Basics
Action, color, drama, song; it's all there at your backyard bird feeder. Feeding birds is a great way to brighten a dreary winter day. It's also a never-ending source of entertainment and enjoyment. Read on: Source: … [Read more...]
A monthly exploration of native small trees, focusing on their beauty and benefits. FRINGE TREE (Chionanthus virginicus) kee-oh-NAN-thus ver-JIN-ih-kus My sister and I saw Fringe trees in full bloom while hiking the AT; so now there is one … [Read more...]
NC State Extension Master Gardener Volunteers Assist Pollinator Research
As the perils facing pollinators continue to rise, many people want to know what they can do in their home landscapes to protect them. In addition to planting pollinator-friendly plants that provide nectar and pollen resources, how you manage plants … [Read more...]
Fall garden clean up with pollinators and other wildlife in mind
As the days get shorter and cooler, the gardening season starts to wind down, and many of us will begin cleaning up our landscapes for the winter. While cutting back dead plants and raking leaves can make for a clean-looking yard, it may not be the … [Read more...]
Water and Shelter for Pollinators
All living creatures need water to survive. They use it for: HydratingCleansingModerating body temperatureReproducing If you are not fortunate enough to have a pond or stream near your garden, you can create an adequate water source by … [Read more...]