Edgeworthia chrysantha, also known as the paperbush plant, provides superb winter interest and fragrance. Read more: … [Read more...]
AAS Winning Petunias
These incredibly versatile plants come in an abundance of bold colors, are widely adaptable, and largely pest and disease-free. They are low maintenance and drought tolerant, available nation-wide, are a great value, sport a variety of forms and … [Read more...]
With the right care, and a few simple steps, amaryllis bulbs rebloom year after year! Getting amaryllis to rebloom sounds difficult, but it’s actually really easy. Follow these step-by-step instructions to rebloom your amaryllis plants. Continued: … [Read more...]
With mild temperatures in the forecast, you still have the opportunity to do some gardening! Here is a list of great ideas for the planting and care of perennials, annuals, and bulbs. CONTINUE Article Source: … [Read more...]
Fall Flowering Plants
Just because summer is ending does not mean that it has to be the end of color in your home landscape. Several herbaceous annuals and perennials come into their full glory in the fall. The old faithfuls for fall color are chrysanthemums (mums) and … [Read more...]
Sunflowers are popular. It seems one can find a sunflower on almost anything, from throw pillows to towels to floor mats and rugs. I've also noticed more and more gardeners growing sunflowers for their beauty, their tasty seeds, or for wild bird … [Read more...]
Daylilies are many gardeners’ favorite plants. They are dependable perennials, they are prolific and colorful bloomers, and they are relatively free of pests. Continued: … [Read more...]
Hydrangeas Demystified
Identify your hydrangeas -There are six main types of hydrangeas commonly grown in North American gardens. Read More: … [Read more...]
Petunias are one of the most popular flowering annuals. They have a long flowering period, are easy to grow and are available in many forms and colors. Read More: … [Read more...]
Artemisia annua to be tested against coronavirus
The Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam (Germany) will collaborate with ArtemiLife Inc., a US based company and medical researchers in Denmark and Germany to test Artemisia annua plant extract and artemisinin derivatives in … [Read more...]