Decorating the house with fresh greenery is one of the oldest winter holiday traditions. Evergreens have been a part of winter festivals since ancient times. Evergreens are used to represent everlasting life and hope for the return of spring. Read … [Read more...]
Propagating Magnolia Seeds: How To Grow A Magnolia Tree From Seed
MagnoliaBy: Jackie Carroll In the fall of the year after the flowers are long gone from a magnolia tree, the seed pods have an interesting surprise in store. Magnolia seed pods, which resemble exotic-looking cones, spread open to reveal bright red … [Read more...]
Growing Garlic – Fall Planting
Fall is the best time to plant garlic—a good three weeks prior to the ground freezing, so the roots have a chance to develop, but not poke thru the surface before winter. Read More: … [Read more...]
Growing Pumpkins for the Home Garden
Pumpkins are a warm-season vining crop. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, colors, and textures. Continued: … [Read more...]
Chrysanthemum Care
Though associated with fall, chrysanthemums are a great addition to the garden throughout the growing season. Find out how to plant and care for mums for maximum bloom. Continued: … [Read more...]
There are 75 different species of hydrangea native to China, Japan, Korea, the Himalayas, Indonesia, and the Americas, with the greatest diversity of species in Japan, China, and Korea. Continued: By Sarah Fiorello August 11, 2021 … [Read more...]
Coleus plants (Coleus scutellarioides) are prized for their colorful foliage, which may combine shades of green, yellow, pink, red, rust, and maroon. New introductions of this popular summer annual plant have been selected for increased sun and heat … [Read more...]
Storing peonies to bloom at a later date
Dixie Sandborn, Michigan State University Extension - You can cut peonies and store them for weeks or months if you know when to cut and how to properly store them. Continued: … [Read more...]
If you’ve ever grown catmint and were disappointed in how it split open and oozed over onto its neighbors, we have good news! ‘Cat’s Pajamas’ will be the most well-behaved catmint you’ve ever seen. Its shape is like a blue bowling ball in the … [Read more...]
If you ask my favorite flower, I will have trouble answering. It depends on the time of the year, my mood, and if I’m growing it in my own garden. But, I can honestly say that Lenten Rose (Helleborus orientalis) is one of my favorites at this time … [Read more...]