Providing wildflower-rich habitat is the most significant action you can take to support pollinators. Adult bees, butterflies, and other pollinators require nectar as their primary food source, and female bees collect pollen as food for their … [Read more...]
How to Grow and Care for Canterbury Bells
Canterbury bells (Campanula rotundifolia) are a biennial plant popular in European and North American landscapes. It is a medium-sized specimen with an upright form featuring numerous vibrant, sweet-smelling bell-shaped flowers that range from white … [Read more...]
Salvias (also known as sages) are popular garden plants because they flower for an extended period and do well in hot, dry conditions. They provide an incredible variety of fragrance, bloom, plant habit, and color. CONTINUE SOURCE: Clemson … [Read more...]
Plants For Pollinators: Violets
Violets are often bemoaned as “weeds” when found in lawns, and otherwise impugned for their tendency to easily reseed and spread. With their heart shaped leaves and cheery blue flowers, violets aren’t really bad guys – in fact they are the host plant … [Read more...]
How to Grow and Care for Beardtongue (Penstemon)
The plantain family (Plantaginaceae) gifts us with some wonderful ornamental flowering plants, including snapdragons, foxglove, and the valuable Penstemon genus, which contains more than 250 beardtongue species ready to … [Read more...]
Herb Festival to be held at Moneta Farm
The annual Herb Festival at Moneta Farm and Home Center will be back again in this year, with the return of all of the events that have made the festival so special over the years. The festival will be held rain or shine on May 6 from 10:00 until … [Read more...]
Mistletoe science and folklore
Many of us think of mistletoe as a little twig with green leaves and white berries, tied with a red ribbon and hung in doorways during the holidays, where it is a popular tradition to stand under and receive a kiss. However, mistletoe has a long and … [Read more...]
If the word “poinsettia” conjures up one color and one color only – red – you are in for a treat: a whirlwind tour of 35 different poinsettia cultivars, in many different beguiling hues. CONTINUE SOURCE: … [Read more...]
Digging and Storing Cannas
You have had a summertime of beauty from your cannas. Now it is time to overwinter these tender rhizomes. Continued: … [Read more...]
With all those mums and pumpkins at garden centers and farmers markets, how can we select the best and make them last? CONTINUE SOURCE: Clemson Cooperative Extension … [Read more...]