IT’S ALMOST TIME! The Bedford Extension Master Gardeners have been hard at work growing plants for their annual Plant Sale. Laurel Denne, Plant Sale Coordinator, stated, “Our goal is to provide quality plants and also offer unique plants that people may not have seen at their local greenhouse or nursery.” This year’s Plant Sale will feature perennials, annuals, herbs and vegetables; including 22 varieties of tomatoes! Unique plants such as Madame Butterfly Snapdragons, Sunset Hyssop, Pumpkin on a Stick, White African Kilimanjaro Marigolds, 3 varieties of Milkweed and several varieties of Coreopsis, to mention only a few, will be available. There will also be a Raffle this year! As usual, Master Gardener volunteers will be on hand to answer any plant and/or garden questions that you may have. The Plant Sale will take place, rain or shine, at the Bedford County Extension Office on April 30, 2022 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.