Have you signed up yet?
Love plants? Want to learn, share and volunteer? Our Master Gardener Class will provide training in a wide variety of horticultural areas including insects, plant disease, turf care, fruits, vegetables, ornamentals and much more. Anyone with an interest in gardening and a desire to volunteer is encouraged to apply.
Note: If you live nearby but outside of Bedford County, you could still qualify to train & volunteer with us. Please call (540)586-7675 to speak with a training coordinator.
Apply now!
Training begins on February 1st.
This class is computer based with a series of ten ‘hands-on’ labs. Students have up to six months to complete the independent study modules, quizzes and final exam. Students participate in a minimum of five of the ten hands-on labs. Instructors include Extension Agents, Horticulture Professionals, veteran Master Gardeners, as well as specialists from VT. The final requirement is 50 hours of volunteer service in Master Gardener projects within one year of completing the theory part of the course. Bedford Extension Master Gardener membership has weekday, evening and Saturday projects, providing extensive volunteer opportunities.

BAMGA’s 2018 Herbaceous Landscape Training Lab at Wipledale Nursery
Want to talk to someone about our training program? Call 540-586-7675. Find us on Facebook too! Visit this website’s https://www.bedfordareamastergardeners.org/join-us/ page for application forms and more information.
Our organization’s mission is to advise, educate, and serve the citizens of Bedford County in their horticultural needs.
- VirginiaMasterGardenerBrochure
- BAMGA’s Master Gardener Course Overview
- 2019 Training Lab Schedule pdf
If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact Scott Baker of the Bedford Extension Office at (540)586-7675 [TDD: (800)828-1120] during business hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to discuss accommodations 5 days prior to the event.