During hot, dry weather, gardeners should water properly and evaluate susceptible landscape plants, according to Virginia Cooperative Extension experts. High temperatures, combined with dry weather, pose a threat to Virginia’s home landscapes. … [Read more...]
7 Easy Vegetable Trellising Methods to Elevate Your Garden
Trellises in the vegetable garden are the unsung heroes! They elevate any garden space to a multi-dimensional and interesting experience. Suddenly, a small garden or a blank piece of ground has hiding places for kids, saves space, adds … [Read more...]
Powdery mildew is the name given to a group of diseases caused by several closely related fungi. Their common symptom is a grayish-white, powdery mat visible on the surface of leaves, stems, and flower petals. There are many hosts, and although this … [Read more...]
Red Mulberry
Red Mulberry Morus Rubra (MOR-us ROO-brah) Your local birds and small mammals will be delighted if you decide to add Red Mulberry to yourlandscape! The blackberry-like fruit will also please the humans in your life. They can be eatenfresh from the … [Read more...]
American Holly
American Holly - Ilex opaca (EE-leks oh-PAY-kah) Common Name(s): American Holly, Holly, Winterberry In the 4 years I’ve lived in Bedford County I haven’t seen any Cedar Waxwings which causes me sadness although this is probably for the best … [Read more...]
Continental Nomads: Monarch Butterflies
At the start of the spring breeding season, Eastern populations of monarchs leave their winter habitat in the oyamel fir forests of Mexico to begin a northward journey that may take up to a month and a half to complete. CONTINUE SOURCE: … [Read more...]
There are approximately 15 species of hellebores that are perennial, and the majority are native to southern and eastern Europe. Other common names for this plant are Christmas rose, and Lenten rose. Most of the hellebores readily available today are … [Read more...]
Trees of Life – SOURWOOD
Sourwood Tree Oxydendrum arboreum- ok-see-DEN-drum ar-BOR-ee-um If you are looking for a native tree with beauty, usefulness and character consider the Sourwood Tree. Also, known as Sorrel or Lily of the Valley tree, it's beauty lies in … [Read more...]
Understanding Shade: How to Create the Ultimate Shade Garden
Shade can be challenging to some, and over the years as a landscape designer, I have received questions from clients on what to plant in the more shaded areas of their property. My response always is, “You can achieve a beautiful shade garden by … [Read more...]
9 Brilliant Winter-Blooming Houseplants to Brighten Dreary Days (and How to Care for Them)
Do you have the post-holiday blues? With the tinsel and decorations packed away, your home might feel a little bleak and bare. You need something pretty and festive to help endure gray, cold winter days. And as we count the weeks until the first … [Read more...]