It can be very rewarding to harvest and save seed of ornamental and vegetable plants. But why is it that sometimes when we plant the seed we saved, the results do not seem to be very like the plant we collected the seed from? Read More: Source: … [Read more...]
Virginia’s Home Garden Vegetable Planting Guide: Recommended Planting Dates and Amounts to Plant
Selecting appropriate planting dates is a critical component of successful vegetable gardening. Vegetables vary widely in their preferred growing conditions and tolerance to temperature extremes, both cold and hot. Continued: Source: … [Read more...]
Reducing tillage in your garden
We often talk about tilling as a yes or no question: to till, or not to till? But tilling intensity can vary from no soil disturbance at all to intensive soil disturbance. Continued: Source: … [Read more...]
Narcissus: The Daffodil
Daffodils are among the happiest flowers to grace our gardens with bright yellow, white, pink, or orange colors. Plant in fall to enjoy this harbinger of spring. Read more: Source: … [Read more...]
Lunar Influence on Gardening
Have you ever considered the role of the moon in plant growth? Historically, many agricultural and gardening practices were planned based on the lunar cycle. Continued: Source: … [Read more...]
Planning a Moonlight Garden
Planting a moonlight garden, or “moon garden”, is a multi-sensory, three-dimensional project. It involves light-reflecting plant colors and hardscaping, scent, sound, and attracting nighttime pollinators. Read more: … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Guide to Planting Spring Bulbs
Learn when to plant spring bulbs, how to choose the best bulbs, and how to plant bulbs. Continued: Source: … [Read more...]
Seven Simple Actions to Help Birds
In 2019, scientists documented North America’s staggering loss of nearly 3 billion breeding birds since 1970. Helping birds can be as simple as making changes to everyday habits. Here’s our quick list of 7 Simple Actions you can take to help birds. … [Read more...]
Floriography:The Languageof Flowers
Floriography simply means the language of flowers. Every flower holdsa different meaning based on its species, color or both. Read more: Source: … [Read more...]
Stop before you lop – a quick guide to winter pruning
To prune or not to prune? That is the question. Homeowners may want to take advantage of the milder temperatures and get a head start pruning trees and shrubs in the landscape. Continued: … [Read more...]