While most of the stinging caterpillars have bright contrast in colors, this one doesn’t. Its appearance may be considered misleading, as its earthy shades do not give off the “do not touch” warning colors that you may expect a dangerous caterpillar … [Read more...]
Beneficial Wasps and You
Don’t be scared! Did you know…Wasp pollination and predatory efforts are signs of a healthy ecosystem!?! Read on: … [Read more...]
There are 75 different species of hydrangea native to China, Japan, Korea, the Himalayas, Indonesia, and the Americas, with the greatest diversity of species in Japan, China, and Korea. Continued: By Sarah Fiorello August 11, 2021 … [Read more...]
Does Vinegar Kill Weeds?
We field many questions about alternatives to synthetic herbicides for weed control. One common question is whether vinegar, or acetic acid, works as an herbicide. The answer is, it depends! Continued: By Noelle Orloff, Extension Associate … [Read more...]
Fall Vegetable Gardening
By planning and planting a fall vegetable garden it is possible to have fresh vegetables up to and even pastthe first frosts. At the time when retail vegetable prices are on the rise, you can be reaping large and varied harvests from your … [Read more...]
Tomato Problems
Few garden treats can top a vine-ripened tomato from your own garden. Unfortunately, there are many problems that can affect tomatoes in St. Louis gardens that can prevent you from obtaining your goal. Following are some of the major tomato problems … [Read more...]
Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance
The following is a list of landscape plants rated according to their resistance to deer damage. The list was compiled with input from nursery and landscape professionals, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative … [Read more...]
Squash bugs in home gardens
Squash bugs can live through the winter as adults in sheltered places, such as under plant debris, around buildings, or under rocks. When adults come out in the spring, they fly to growing cucurbit plants to feed and mate. Read on: … [Read more...]
Parasitoid Wasps
There are many species of parasitoid wasps, but most are so tiny that they are rarely noticed. What they lack in size they make up in sheer numbers and efficiency, and as a group they may be the single most important biological control … [Read more...]
How Do I Identify A Bumblebee Nest?
While a bumblebee nest may take shape in a tree and does involve the production of some wax, their homes don’t resemble that of any other stinging insect. Read more: … [Read more...]